Sadasa Academy


PT Sadasa Akademi Indonesia or Sadasa Academy is a company that focuses on data analytics training and consulting. We have various project portfolios regarding data analytics training and consulting. Data analytics is an evidence-based policymaking tool used broadly in both government or company organizations, by exploiting data generated by the organization.

We have four services: Training, Video Learning On Demand, Consulting, Digital Talent Bridge. All about data.

Our company believes that knowledge management, data management, and data analytics are an integral part of planning and decision-making, especially in the public sector, where public goodwill is the primary goal.

Sadasa Academy was established on 1st May 2019, in Yogyakarta. Since then, our customers are coming from corporate, academia, and retail.

We have been organized a dozen in-house training, an couple of corporate training. We also provide consulting services, ranging from data management consulting for Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, data analytics dashboard for Jogja Smart Province, and Enterprise Architecture for Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia

Sadasa Product


Sadasa provides training in data science and other IT topics for corporations, Ministries/Institutions/Regional Work Units/Institutions, companies, academic institutions, research institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and other organizations.


Consulting is a Sadasa product that provides project consulting around data science, big data analytics, IT Development, and other IT topics. Starting from initial guidance on project work to implementation advice on the results of project work submitted to Sadasa, we can help all of your projects!

Video Learning On Demand

Video Learning On Demand is one of Sadasa's services that records all data science learning materials and other IT topics from the mentors at Sadasa. You can access and learn this VLOD material anytime and anywhere.

Digitalent Bridge

Digitalent Bridge is a service provided by Sadasa Academy. You will be bridged with partners who provide job opportunities, both from the world in industry, academia, and government public institutions.

Sadasa Portofolio:

Blueprint for Digital Health Transformation Strategy Indonesia 2024

Client :
Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia and United Nations Development Programme

Laporan Vaksinasi COVID-19

Client :
Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and United Nations Development Programme

Data Modelling Dewan Energi Nasional

Sadasa Academy became a consultant for data modeling and visualization of the National and Regional Energy Monitoring System (SPEND). This system collects all types of energy ranging from potential, production, energy consumption, energy infrastructure, and energy indicator throughout Indonesia.

Data Management RSUP DR.Sardjito

Sadasa Academy held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Data Analysis for Policy Making at Dr. RSUP. Sardjito Yogyakarta, the biggest hospital in DIY Province. This FGD discussed health data governance from the side of policy makers, data owners and data processors. This FGD was attended by the President Director, dr. Rukmono Siswishanto and the entire board of directors of RSUP Dr. Sardjito

Dashboard Jogja Smart Province

Sadasa Academy is trusted to be consultant on data scientist for the Decision Support System, a data analysis based on internal data from OPD-OPD throughout the DIY Regional Government. Jogja Center is the implementation of the Jogja Smart Province (JSP) action plan, a technology-based regional collaboration to support the resolution of strategic issues and the development of DIY’s potential which was initiated directly by the Governor of DIY Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X.